Currently Browsing: Personal 4 articles


Isabella’s birth story

Before giving birth to my first baby I always thought birth stories were kind of weird, maybe too graphic or even somehow disgusting. And yet I find myself here writing my own. Because I came to realize that the whole event is so big and important that you don’t want to forget a single detail. […]


My first time in a Market

I think the title will probably sound more of a big deal than it really was: but last weekend I had my first experience in a market in Canada! Something that I was looking for since a long time but never had either the time or the courage to do it. This time I joined […]


Summer time Raspberry-Lemon scones

I’ve been totally out of my blog for a long time now… This year was busy in a lot of senses, we found our dream house, we moved after transforming it into our perfect space (well it’s not there yet but it will be over time 🙂 ). In the middle we went through some […]

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Why do I want to write a blog about baking?

Baking and food seems to be a trending topic nowadays. Instagram explodes with pictures of the perfect baked and decorated cupcakes, Pinterest is full of pictures of the most delicate cakes, which recipes are incredibly hard to follow, and there are hundreds or maybe thousands of blogs out there talking about how to make the […]

The Pantry by the Sea
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