I think the title will probably sound more of a big deal than it really was: but last weekend I had my first experience in a market in Canada! Something that I was looking for since a long time but never had either the time or the courage to do it. This time I joined some friends that I met recently who also bake and sell delicious traditional Argentinian alfajores, and she introduce me a little bit to the world of the markets and let me share her stand.

Here in Canada there are some regulations about what you can sell at the markets and where you can prepare it. Food needs to be low risk to be produced at home and so, at the beginning I was afraid macarons would not be the case. After a Ph and water activity test over my most generic macaron recipe they turned out to be safe. Still there was the problem of the temperature, to avoid ruining them, because they usually become pretty soft after some hours at room temperature. I solved that with a portable cooler, which worked great but I think the cold weather could have done the same effect.

I have to say that I did not sell much, the market was in a garden centre, located in a residential zone on a Sunday and not much people was there except to buy their Christmas trees. But I had a chance to showcase my macarons in cute little boxes together with delicious alfajores and they looked just gorgeous! Just look at the pics :). Also I got to experience how the dynamics of a market are. Next time I know how to be more prepared to it.
I was looking forward doing something like this but it was hard to plan it all by myself, so this was a nice intro. I’m hoping to try more on the field during the 2020, so stay tuned!
Happy Holidays, I hope you get to enjoy them with lots of good food and the best company.